Saturday, October 16, 2010

Of Mice and Us

In case you have read previous blog entries, you may recall the mention of the numerous neighborhood "cats" that keep the "mice" away. Well, the weather is cooling and those cats are not keeping the mice away! I saw one creeping up the stairs having come in from under the garage door. Later that evening, one ran through the living room as we had up to that moment been seated comfortably watching our big screen. I called a neighbor and asked if she had ever encountered any, and the reply was, "Yes." A negative of living by a beautiful field and it's a neighborhood thing as she informed us about a sonar plug-in deterrent, some little sticky houses, and regular traps. 

As we continued our relaxation (not as relaxed as earlier), my Flintster saw the critter race by. It ran under the television cabinet near the front door. With a mop in his hands and the Swiffer vacuum that makes noise in mine, I was going to flush him out, and The Flintster would attack! The vacuum didn't make enough noise so I used the compressed air for cleaning computer keyboards. That made him run along with my screeches and Flint's calling the tiny thing various bad names! But, we didn't get anything but a broken mop! And our neighbors may think we have lost our minds.....

But isn't it crazy how seeing a mice will make one clean house!? We keep a clean house, but after those mice, this place sparkles.... the windows haven't been cleaner!

Flint came in from work yesterday with enough sticky traps for more mice than I ever hope to see. His explanation of  how they work (as told to him by his local friends) is worth the price of a ticket. It includes sounds that I don't think can be spelled. We placed one downstairs and one in the living room. One down this morning....... 

to be continued???


  1. You need to get an indoor cat! Forget those outdoor cats; they get all the mice they want. I'd be happy to loan you (or give you) my cat. He is really an outdoor cat, but he thinks he really is an indoor cat. He will keep your feet warm in bed, too, as he loves to lie right on top of them! You just say the word and I'll bring him right over!

  2. Flint: "I don't think so."

    Thank you for your generous spirit though!

  3. WAIT A MINUTE, is that MY CAT you are talking about??? Jan, you should take him! Michael, however, says that Petey is afraid of dogs and would be traumatized . . . . Live with mice, I guess. David, we have to talk . . .
