Thursday, January 24, 2013

Lourdes - October, 2012 - Week 2

Upon returning to Lourdes from the sunny weekend in Rome, we learned that the rains had continued, floods came, and the Grotto was closed until it could be cleaned. Firemen from around France came to clear the mud that the rushing river had deposited in the Grotto.The pilgrims were few, but that made the week even more special as Lourdes is usually crowded with those who have profound reasons for being there. We felt as if we had the area all to ourselves.

North American Volunteers met our pilgrims in Rome. They had traveled from Molokai, Hawaii, via Syracuse, New York, to Rome for the Canonization of Marianne Cope. They would end their journey in Lourdes before their trip back home half way around the world.

Some special memories:

     ~Our group was part of the first Mass in the Grotto when it reopened.

     ~Although the baths remained closed, the piscine volunteers stood at the spigots dispensing Lourdes water, bathing and blessing the faces of the pilgrims. A very touching experience.

     ~The pilgrims gave each female volunteer a flower to wear in our hair. They presented the men with shell leis. Since Flint had assisted with their transfer in Rome from their hotel to the airport, they gave me one for him.

     ~At the end of the pilgrimage, one of the pilgrims gave each of us a Miraculous Medal. (As I am so far behind on this blog, I am amazed at how many references have been made to it since receiving it.)

     ~The beauty of "Amazing Grace" and "How Great Thou Art" sung in Hawaiian with ukulele accompaniment.

Praying the Rosary after the procession
in front of the Rosary Basilica

Mass in the Rosary Basilica
"How Great Thou Art!"

Fearless leader Marlene taking us on a tour

Although the waters receded, some places remained closed.

Damage to one of the bridges caused by an uprooted tree
carried by the rushing water

The only picture they had to take down to dry was of newly
Canonized Mother Marianne, the one who is very dear
to our pilgrims. How beautiful their voices were as they
sang her favorite song while gazing at this picture.

The gate to the parish priest's house where Bernadette ran
with the news of the beautiful lady's name.
The gold dome to the left is the Ukrainian Church
At the candle area meeting a very special volunteer

St. Michael the Archangel

"St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen"

Evenings were lively with ukulele, singing, and hula lessons!!!


Preparation for the Virtual Lourdes Pilgrimage at Sigonella

The local AFN director was kind enough to do a live interview
with Marlene from Lourdes. He asked for me, too; Flint
listened at work, but a few commented that they heard me
in the commissary.

Broadcasting from France to Italy
Back to the Rome Airport
to say, "Farewell," to the Hawaiians.
Marlene, Pam, and I would travel to Sicily for them to present
the Virtual Lourdes Pilgrimage.

Farewell to the dear Hawaiians
A volunteer singing "Aloha 'Oe"
I don't think there was a soul who didn't wipe a tear.
The two weeks and the canonization merged into one deeply profound experience. Joyful times
with pilgrims, roommates, and volunteers who have become "heart friends."
 And, my lesson learned was that of obedience.



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