Saturday, March 29, 2014

Blessings Upon Blessings in a Weekend

Since this is the Lenten season, our focus is on Christ's gift to us; therefore, our activities tend to reflect this. Some days have gone over and above with blessings and encounters with some outstanding  people who live in service to our Saviour.

Saturday Morning:  

Catholic Women of the Chapel

Mary, Queen of Peace - Stations of the Cross
We followed John Paul II's Biblical Way of the Cross that
varied from the traditional Way.
Lani, our president, led the way!

Life-size nativity in a cave

Representing the risen Christ

Rather stark Stations with Etna in the distance

Sunday Morning:  

Little Sisters of the Poor


celebrate their Patron, St. Joseph
Beautiful Mass
Overflowing  Chapel

First time meeting the new Bishop of Acireale

With the Madre and Knights of Malta

Sunday Evening:

Franciscan Missionaries Visit our

Immaculate Conception Parish Community

Father  Frank and Dana

 The Franciscan Missionaries
take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.
Their mission is to evangelize, and they were in Motta to ring
every doorbell.

 Sister and Agata, translator


Joyful singing!

After the pot luck and getting to know one another

Another joyful song before we bid, 'Farewell!'
(Little did we know that we had quite a week ahead!
More to come!)


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