Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Burning of the Field

A few nights ago we heard crackling. Flint was hoping it was the sound of rain drops. Alas, I looked out into the dark night, and our field was burning. I could see figures of men on the other side of the fire so I don't know if it was a controlled burn, if they were monitoring as it burned, or what. After I closed the windows, I continued to check now and then. Our landlord sprayed water on the fence and the few feet of land this side of it. How interesting to see the 'blotchiness' of the burned area in the light of day! Birds continue to fly around and pick at the ground for their food. This will be my personal study of nature recovering from a fire.

Speaking of birds....Flint saw a bird in the road take flight as he drove to work. He described it as weird with a crest, big stripes, and a thin, pointed beak. I knew immediately that is is a hoopoe (Upupa epops)....a bird that I have wanted to see ever since I saw its picture in Birds of Europe. He agreed that was the hoopoe! At least one of us in the family has seen one.

1 comment:

  1. Update: A neighbor in-the-know said that the hunters burned the fields so the rabbits would be more visible. Another huge area down the road burned a week or so later.

    I also saw several hoopoe. Gorgeous birds! Flint pronounces it as if it were Hawaiian
