Thursday, February 4, 2010

Coffee soap and Lysol Dual Action Disinfecting Wipes

Just a quick note to let you know about Maison de Martin, LLC, homemade soaps. KM who makes the soap, sister of dear friend, DJRM, and will be my neighbor on the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay in a few years, makes wonderful kitchen hand soap out of coffee grounds. It removes onion and other smells from one's hands, and leaves them silky smooth. Contact her at

The Lysol DADWipes work wonderfully when the expresso maker hasn't been screwed together tightly enough and the coffee sprays out onto the stovetop where supper is cooking. Therefore, it couldn't be cleaned immediately and the scrubbing side worked its miracle.

1 comment:

  1. Jan, and Flynt, I love this. It really makes me feel like I'm back at home!

