Friday, February 5, 2010

Viva St. Agata!

Flint,friends, and I drove to Catania last night to join the thousands in their tribute to Catania's patron Saint. We were jammed shoulder-to-shoulder in an area where lo, and behold, her carriage stopped right by us! Beginning with the Lords' Prayer, a Bishop spoke (just a few thoughts) while people passed handkerchiefs, gloves, holy cards, and even a baby's pacifier on a pink ribbon for the "assistants" to touch the item to the jewel encrusted bust. When he finished, the pullers of the ropes insisted that everyone move back, crushing us some more. After a couple of cell phone calls, a priest picked up a silver bell, rang it, and the carriage moved forward as everyone applauded.

Afterward it was street food! Salsiccia (sausage), cipolleta (green onion wrapped with bacon), and polpetta di cavallo (horse croquette) along with a sip of the vendor's homemade vino rosso in (what I call) a plastic dentist cup. Can't beat it!

This morning as I fixed breakfast, I spotted a European robin. Can spring be on its way??

1 comment:

  1. Sounds wonderful! And delicious! I miss going there with you.
